
Emily Nelson
Rho Chi Secretary Treasurer
Chi Sigma Iota

Originally, I was interested in becoming a school counselor because mental health seemed too intimidating at the time. During the pandemic, I realized a need for mental health professionals and felt a greater calling to do work around mental health. While I find myself still interested in school counseling, I am drawn to trauma and crisis. Now, I find myself immersing myself in recommended literature from Dr. Camelford’s Crisis course. (The Body Keeps the Score) I am very interested doing work around crisis and trauma and EMDR.  The FBI actually has a victim’s specialist program that seems interesting and would love to learn about for a potential job opportunity in the future. If not, working for a local crisis center that allows for engagement with those at risk or working for an agency/ private practice would suit me well, so that I would still have an opportunity to continue my singing career as well.

Thank you!
Emily Louise Nelson