School of Allied Health Professions

Department of Medical Laboratory Science


Daniel Haun, MLS(ASCP)

Clinical Instructor and eLearning Developer
Phone: (504) 568-4276


University of New Orleans, B.S. Medical Technology, 1974
Charity Hospital School of Medical Technology, 1974


Development of web-based tools for teaching microscopic and macroscopic visual inerpretative skills in all laboratory medicine disciplines.

Development of web-based critical thinking simulators to improve clinical practice readiness.

Selected Publications:

Wilbright WA, Haun DE, Romano T, Krutzfeldt T, Fontenot CE, Nolan TE. Computer Use in an Urban University Hospital: Technology Ahead of Literacy, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, January/ February 2006
Haun DE, Foley AB, Jarreau P. Development and Feasibility of an Electronic White Blood Cell Identification Trainer, Clinincal Laboratory Science, 26(1):23, January, 2013