Andrew A. Pellett, Ph.D., RDCS, FASE
Head of Department of Cardiopulmonary Science
Professor of Cardiopulmonary Science and Physiology
Program Director, Adult Echocardiography Program
Educational Background:
Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1991
Ph.D., Physiology
University of Vermont, 1986
B.S., Biological Science
Primary Teaching Areas:
Ultrasound physics
Adult echocardiography
Cardiovascular physiology
Respiratory physiology
Selected Publications:
Pellett, A.A., Myers, L., Welsch, M., Jazwinski, S.M., & Welsh, D.A. (2013). Left atrial enlargement and reduced physical function during aging. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 21, 417-432.
Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2006). The Doppler velocity waveform. Echocardiography, 23(6), 528-530.
Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2005). Doppler aliasing. Echocardiography,22(6), 540-542.
Pellett, A.A., Welsh, D.A., deBoisblanc, B.P., Lipscomb, G., Johnson, R.W., Lord, K.C., & Levitzky, M.G. (2005). Low positive end-expiratory pressure does not exacerbate nebulized-acid lung injury in dogs. J. Crit. Care, 20(1), 97-105.
Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2004). Spectral Doppler instrumentation. Echocardiography, 21(8), 759-761.
Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2004) The Tei index: Methodology and disease state values. Echocardiography, 21(7), 669-672.
Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2004). The Doppler equation. Echocardiography, 21(2), 197-198.
Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2004). The Chiari network in an echocardiography student. Echocardiography, 21(1), 91-93.
deBoisblanc, B.P., Pellett, A., Johnson, R., Champagne, M., McClarty, E., Dhillon, G., & Levitzky, M. (2003). Estimation of pulmonary artery occlusion pressure by an artificial neural network. Crit. Care Med. 31(1), 261-266.
Pellett, A.A., Lord, K.C., Champagne, M.S., deBoisblanc, B.P., Johnson, R.W., & Levitzky, M.G. (2002). Pulmonary capillary pressure during acute lung injury in dogs. Crit. Care Med. 30, 403-409.
Pellett, A.A., Johnson, R.W., Morrison, G.G., Champage, M.S., deBoisblanc, B.P., & Levitzky, M.G. (1999). A comparison of pulmonary arterial occlusion algorithms for estimation of pulmonary capillary pressure. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.160, 162-168.
Pellett, A.A., Cairo, J.M., & Levitzky, M.G. (1997). Hypoxemia and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction: Autonomic nervous system vs. mixed venous PO2. Respir. Physiol.,109, 249-260.