School of Allied Health Professions

Department of Cardiopulmonary Science


Andrew A. Pellett, Ph.D., RDCS, FASE

Head of Department of Cardiopulmonary Science
Professor of Cardiopulmonary Science and Physiology
Program Director, Adult Echocardiography Program

Educational Background:

Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1991
Ph.D., Physiology
University of Vermont, 1986
B.S., Biological Science

Primary Teaching Areas:

Ultrasound physics
Adult echocardiography
Cardiovascular physiology
Respiratory physiology

Selected Publications:

Pellett, A.A., Myers, L., Welsch, M., Jazwinski, S.M., & Welsh, D.A. (2013).  Left atrial enlargement and reduced physical function during aging. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 21, 417-432.

Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2006).  The Doppler velocity waveform.  Echocardiography, 23(6), 528-530.

Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2005).  Doppler aliasing.  Echocardiography,22(6), 540-542.

Pellett, A.A., Welsh, D.A., deBoisblanc, B.P., Lipscomb, G., Johnson, R.W., Lord, K.C., & Levitzky, M.G. (2005).  Low positive end-expiratory pressure does not exacerbate nebulized-acid lung injury in dogs.  J. Crit. Care, 20(1), 97-105.

Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2004).  Spectral Doppler instrumentation.  Echocardiography, 21(8), 759-761.

Pellett, A.A., Tolar, W.G., Merwin, D.G., & Kerut, E.K. (2004)  The Tei index: Methodology and disease state values.  Echocardiography, 21(7), 669-672.

Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2004).  The Doppler equation.  Echocardiography, 21(2), 197-198.

Pellett, A.A., & Kerut, E.K. (2004).  The Chiari network in an echocardiography student.  Echocardiography, 21(1), 91-93.

deBoisblanc, B.P., Pellett, A., Johnson, R., Champagne, M., McClarty, E., Dhillon, G., & Levitzky, M. (2003).  Estimation of pulmonary artery occlusion pressure by an artificial neural network.  Crit. Care Med.  31(1), 261-266.

Pellett, A.A., Lord, K.C., Champagne, M.S., deBoisblanc, B.P., Johnson, R.W., & Levitzky, M.G. (2002).  Pulmonary capillary pressure during acute lung injury in dogs. Crit. Care Med. 30, 403-409.

Pellett, A.A., Johnson, R.W., Morrison, G.G., Champage, M.S., deBoisblanc, B.P., & Levitzky, M.G. (1999).  A comparison of pulmonary arterial occlusion algorithms for estimation of pulmonary capillary pressure. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.160, 162-168.

Pellett, A.A., Cairo, J.M., & Levitzky, M.G. (1997).  Hypoxemia and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction:  Autonomic nervous system vs. mixed venous PO2. Respir. Physiol.,109, 249-260.