Guidelines for Students with Disabilities
(Revised February 2008)

The Louisiana State University Health New Orleans (LSUH-NO), School of Allied Health Professions commits to provide for the needs of admitted and enrolled students who have disabilities under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) by providing reasonable accommodations to such students. Reasonable accommodations will be made to students with disabilities on an individual and flexible basis. It is the responsibility of students, however, to review the technical standards for a given program and make their needs known.


The School of Allied Health Professions has established Technical Standards for its programs of study delineating the minimum physical, cognitive, emotional, and social requirements necessary to participate fully in all aspects of academic and clinical education expected by a specified program of study. One's ability to meet the technical standards is a prerequisite for admission and continuation in a program of study. Applicants and enrolled students must be able to meet all technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations. Technical Standards can be found in the current edition of the LSUHSC Catalog/Bulletin that is available at


1. Students are required to determine if they are capable of meeting all the technical standards with or without reasonable accommodations.

2. Upon acceptance to a program of study, all students will be required to sign a statement indicating that they are able to meet all technical standards.

3. Newly enrolling LSUHSC students with disabilities who are requesting reasonable accommodations are required to register with the Office of Disability Services. (Students with disabilities who are not requesting reasonable accommodations are not required to register.) This action should take place as soon as possible after notification of acceptance.

4.Currently enrolled students are required to register their need for accommodation as soon as their need is identified.

Students requesting accommodations are responsible for providing necessary documentation. Costs associated with documentation are the responsibility of students. Information regarding one's disability is confidential and shared only on a professional need-to-know basis.


Determination and documentation of disability must be made by a licensed professional qualified to assess the functional implications of the particular disability. Documentation must include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Statement and description of the diagnosis and functional limitation as they relate to the student's course of study and academic environment.

2. Description and conclusion of relevant testing including the nature and severity of disability-related learning problems.

3. The student's historical use of the learning accommodations and their specific benefits (if appropriate).

4. List of specific recommended accommodations.

Examples of disabilities that may be associated with a need for learning accommodation include, but are not limited to: learning disabilities, psychological disabilities, attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity, chronic health impairment, hearing impairments, visual impairments, physical impairments.


Request for Academic Accommodations