School of Allied Health Professions

Department of Cardiopulmonary Science


John B. Zamjahn, Ph.D., MHS, RRT, RRT-ACCS, RPFT

Professor of Clinical Cardiopulmonary Science
Program Director of Advanced Respiratory Therapy

Educational Background:

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 2004
Ph.D., Pathology
Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1995
M.H.S., Cardiopulmonary Science
Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1991
B.S., Cardiopulmonary Science

Primary Teaching Areas:

Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Adult Critical Care 
Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology
Geriatric Respiratory Care
Pulmonary Diagnostic Tests
Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Research Interests:

Inter-professional education simulation-based training, debriefing
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis
CXC Chemokines and pulmonary neutrophil recruitment
Vascular wall proteoglycans and atherosclerosis


Lammi MR, Ghonim MA, Johnson J, D’Aquin J, Zamjahn JB, Pellett A, Okpechi SC, Romaine C, Pyakurel K, Luu HH, Shellito JE, Boulares AH, deBoisblanc BP, Acute effect of inhaled iloprost on exercise dynamic hyperinflation in COPD patients: A randomized crossover study, Respiratory Medicine, 

Paige, J.T., Garbee, D.D., Yu Q., Zamjahn, J., Carvalho R.B., Zhu, L., Rusnak, V., Kiselov, V. (2021) Brick in the wall? Linking quality of debriefing to participant learning in team training of inter-professional students. BMJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn, bmjstel-2020-000685.

Gunaldo, T., Mason, M, Harrison-Bernard, L., Davis, A., Andrieu, S., Brisolara, K., Brown, A., Goumas, A, Kreko, A., Roi, C., Sanne, S., Wall, L., Yue, Z., Zamjahn, J., Patrick-Esteve, J. Qualitative analysis of pre-licensure student perceptions of ingroup professional stereotypes (2021) J Interprof Educ Prac, 23(100413).

Paige, J.T., Zamjahn, J.B., Carvalho R.B., Yang S., Yu Q., Garbee, D.D., Kiselov, V.J., Rusnak, V., Bonanno, L., & Callan, C. (2019) Quality with quantity? Evaluating interprofessional faculty prebriefs and debriefs for simulation training using video. Surgery. 2019;165(6):1069-1074.

Zamjahn, J.B., Carvalho R.B., Bronson, M.H., Garbee, D.D., & Paige, J.T. (2018) eAssessment: development of an electronic version of the Objective Structured Assessment of Debriefing tool to streamline evaluation of video recorded debriefings. J Am Med Inform Assoc, 25(10):1284-1291.

Zamjahn, J.B., Beyer, E.O., Alig, K.L., Mercante, D.E., Carter, K.L., & Gunaldo, T.P. (2018). Increasing awareness of the roles, knowledge, and skills of respiratory therapists through an interprofessional education experience. Resp Care, 63(5):510-518.

Garbee, D.D., Paige, J.T., Barrier, K., Kozmenko, V., Kozmenko, L., Zamjahn, J.B., Bonanno, L., & Cefalu, J. (2013). Interprofessional teamwork among students in simulated codes: A quasi-experimental study. Nurs Educ Perspect, 34(5):339-344.

Zamjahn, J.B., Quinton, L.J., Mack, J.C., Frevert, C.W., Nelson, S., & Bagby, G.J. (2011). Differential flux of macrophage inflammatory protein-2 and cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant from the lung after intrapulmonary delivery. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 301(4):L568-L574.

Professional Organizations:

American Association for Respiratory Care
American College of Chest Physicians
American College of Respiratory Therapy
Louisiana Society for Respiratory Care