Chair: Andy Pellett
Chair Elect: Andy Pellett
Past Chair: Andy Pellett
- The committee reviewed the charge for the AY 23-24, and after discussion, it was decided that the charge would remain the same for the AY 24-25:
- To develop and recommend academic/admissions policies and procedures for the undergraduate
and graduate professional education programs of the School including comprehensive
procedures for student redress and review existing/new individual program academic
policies and procedures for consistency with School standards.
- To promote communication among departments regarding curriculum issues and current
trends within and across disciplines.
- The chair maintains an electronic record of curriculum changes following the committee's
reviews and approvals for all departments via a review of new and revised course proposals
and review of new program proposals. The chair serves as a liaison to the Vice Chancellor
of Academic Affairs Office.
- On Sept. 27, the committee approved the request by MLS to add a master's degree program.
Andy Pellett, Chair
Rose Angelocci
Brittany Booth
Joanie Brocato
Brian Canfield
Ingrid Franc
Annette Hurley
Howe Liu
Leslie Lopez