Chair: George Hebert
Chair Elect: Megan Majoue
Past Chairs: Ingrid Franc and George Hebert

AY 24-25 Charge:

  1. To coordinate and facilitate the school’s pre-commencement ceremony and commencement activities, including selecting the recipients of the Chancellor’s Award and the Dean’s Award from nominees submitted by each department.
  2. To explore the option of using the Lyons Building event space for the Pre-commencement Ceremony and provide feedback to the Dean’s office.
  3. To encourage all SAHP programs to explore and join honor societies for their respective disciplines with the goal of recognizing inductees at the Pre-commencement Ceremony.


George Hebert, Chair

Jessica Allemand

Brittany Booth

Molley Brouillette

Yudi Cazanas (Administrative Liaison)

Kevin Lord

Megan Majoue

Brenda Ramirez

Rachel Wellons

Michelle Zitzmann

Phil Wilson

